Codice prodotto: 2001-00342

Telos Hx6 POTS Analog I/O - Sistema Talk-Show 6 linee POTS.

3.654,00 €

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Equipped with advanced Telos hybrids and a full suite of audio processing capabilities, including Telos’ renowned Digital Dynamic EQ, Hx6 extracts excellent caller audio from even the most unruly far-end connections. Hx6 works with POTS or ISDN phone lines, and comes equipped with dual hybrids for high-quality conferencing — the same advanced technology used in the best-selling Telos Hx1 and Hx2 telephone hybrids. With its huge feature set and superior sound quality, Hx6 gives an instant audio upgrade to broadcasters with phone-centric programming. Telos's most advanced digital hybrids, with DSP algorithms optimized for superior performance with today’s wide variety of incoming call types. Telos DDEQ (Digital Dynamic EQ) and adjustable smart-level AGC, which provide spectrally consistent audio from call to call — even on notoriously tough cellular calls. Excellent trans-hybrid loss of >55dB Smooth, proven symmetrical wide-range AGC by the audio processing experts at Omnia Audio. Studio adaptation and a subtle, inaudible pitch shifter that work together to prevent feedback in open-speaker studio environments. A sophisticated caller override that improves performance and allows precision adjustment of the degree to which talent audio “ducks” the caller audio. Beautiful new Telos VSet6 six-line phone controllers (purchased separately) with large, colorful VGA LCD displays that provide intuitive operation and setup. Telos-exclusive Status Symbols™ provide producers and talent with animated, high-contrast icons that communicate line and caller status at a glance. Three different Hx6 versions matched to your choice of analog POTS phone lines, ISDN-S (Europe), or ISDN-U (North American) digital phone lines. Caller ID for both analog and digital telephone connections, which is displayed on the VSet6 phoneset and the included XScreen Lite call screening application. Livewire IP-Audio that enables fast, one-cable integration with Axia networks, and provides Axia board operators with seamless, on-console control of multiple lines and hybrids. Choice of standard Analog I/O or optional, extra-cost AES/EBU I/O. Easy setup and configuration via Ethernet using any PC and your favorite Web browser. XScreen Lite call screening software from Broadcast Bionics, provided at no cost with Hx6 systems.

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